Vision: Humanity requires modifications in the food production matrix that include higher intrinsic quality of raw materials within the framework of balanced environmental care governed by responsible agricultural practices.

Mission: Our goal is to develop new soybean varieties without genetic modification that meet industrial quality requirements for human and animal consumption, to produce and commercialise them to markets that are in line with the vision of HAZIAK.


  1. Research: to apply the knowledge of the science and art of plant breeding and generate new knowledge with the objective of developing new varieties of differentiated quality and higher productivity. To generate frameworks of trust for a fruitful exchange of knowledge and germplasm with other private or public entities that share the vision of HAZIAK.
  2. Production: to generate volume of differentiated grains within the framework of traceability and control parameters that result in a genuine product, free of contamination and with high added value.
  3. Commercialization: To meet the needs of local, regional and international demand interested in the consumption and/or processing of our products in relation to food safety and the protection of the earth.